Al diseñador Nacho Carbonell le augura un futuro (y un presente) prometedor. Graduado en 2007 por
The future of Nacho Carbonell is truly promising. He had been graduated in 2007 at Design Academy of Eindhoven and his projects have had a big acceptation by professionals and public. Nacho likes to see objects like living organisms, imaging them coming alive and being able to surprise you with their behaviour. Por las ramas is a project who shows the analysis of how things are made. Making your own cocoon we transferred our emotions, needs, into our shelter. Crafts make things more human. Bioplastics are used for the construction of these cocoons. This designs wants to expose contradictory concepts as public or private, natural or artificial, durable or ephemeral. A very attractive example of biomimicry. Awe-inspiring are also his projects Dream of Sand, Balonas and Soft Concrete, available at his webpage.
+: www.nachocarbonell.com
o: Andy Goldsworthy o Sweet disposable o Trackless