En Kubik, un club nocturno ahora ubicado en el Forum de Barcelona convergen arquitectura, luz, música y sostenibilidad. Se trata de una especie de chiringuito abierto solo durante este verano en la ciudad condal (el año pasado estuvo en Berlín) que está construido con tanques de líquido industriales iluminados, que le dan un toque sofisticado a la escena nocturna catalana.
Where do architecture, sustainability, light and music converge? At Kubik, a very hip, greenly-designed nightclub currently located in Barcelona. Kubik is a temporary open-air installation linking architecture, light and music with a contemporary air of reclaimed material usage. A radically different nightclub, the space is open to the sky and besides the sea, the structure built from hundreds of reclaimed, stacked, and illuminated industrial tanks.
Via Inhabitat
+: kubikbarcelona.com
Where do architecture, sustainability, light and music converge? At Kubik, a very hip, greenly-designed nightclub currently located in Barcelona. Kubik is a temporary open-air installation linking architecture, light and music with a contemporary air of reclaimed material usage. A radically different nightclub, the space is open to the sky and besides the sea, the structure built from hundreds of reclaimed, stacked, and illuminated industrial tanks.
Via Inhabitat
+: kubikbarcelona.com
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