
Diseñado por Chiara Sandri, este producto ha sido galardonado en el concurso Index: 2007. Se trata de Trackless, un calzado hecho a partir de una planta herbácea -Luffa cylindrica- que puede causar sensación el próximo verano. Es un material natural, renovable, que viene a sustituir las tradicionales chancletas de plástico que, a menudo, tan solo nos duran una temporada. Según Sandri, el proceso está diseñado para ser elaborado en un ámbito local, favoreciendo la economía de zonas rurales.

Trackless is footwear designed to completely replace the highly polluting plastics commonly used (and commonly discarded every year), with a smart raw material that is 100% biodegradable, naturally renewable, and without any ecological drawbacks: Luffa cylindrica, a large herbaceous, whose fruit is a soft, resistant, spongy reticulum. The manufacturing process is designed for small industries, with low cost and fast production time; this makes it suitable for small farms, securing the farmer another source of income. Designed by Chiara Sandri, this product has been awarded at Index:2007.
