Emotions that make us think of nourishment, the first source of love. A “sweet” collection of special jewels to be joyfully worn. Thought for energetic and active women who at the same time do not neglect their womanliness.
“Improperly” designed jewels, created with bits of porcelain. This is the secret of these earrings, bracelets and necklaces born out of a careful analysis and study of this material.
The accurate selection of each piece together with its very careful and professional fitting makes each piece an absolutely unique product.
+: mariella di gregorio
o: Edouard Martinet o Keeping Tabs o Fractalspin
2 comenta :
Chico llevas una racha de posts "super mega ultra" interesantes. No que los anteriores no lo fuesen pero estos ultimos son....geniales!
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preciós el post i les peces d'aquesta noia també!! ara mateix vaig a penjar-la a meu bloc, gràcies pel link!! El teu bloc és fantàctic!! Conèixes a El mundo del reciclaje o The Sinfreno Company? Crec que els trobaries super interessants...
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