Peter Ash, un prematuro inventor, ha ideado una manera de generar energía mientras su hamster hace ejercicio. A través de un sistema de engranajes y una turbina, cada vez que
Elvis -así se llama el hamster- gira en su rueda, Peter puede cargar su teléfono móvil. El inventor asegura que por cada dos minutos de ejercicio de su hamster, él puede hablar durante media hora por teléfono.
La idea le vino a la cabeza para un proyecto del instituto cuando su hermana se quejó de que el ruidito de la rueda de su mascota por la noche no la dejaba dormir. Lamentablemente, el profesor de Peter no apreció la creatividad de Peter ni el esfuerzo de Elvis y tan sólo le puso una C.
Teenage inventor, Peter Ash, has designed a way to put his pet hamster to good use - by attaching his hamster's wheel to a generator he is able to charge his cell phone off the grid.
"I thought the wheel could be made to do something useful so I connected a system of gears and a turbine," he said. "Every two minutes Elvis spends on his wheel gives me about thirty minutes talk time on my phone."
His pet hamster, Elvis, does the legwork while Peter charges his phone in an economically and environmentally friendly way. Peter came up with the idea after his sister Sarah complained that Elvis was keeping her awake at night by playing for hours on his exercise wheel.
This is great idea and seems like a doable DIY - if it can work for a cell phone, it could also be used to power other small electronics such as an iPOD, lights, cameras, etc.
Unfortunately, Peter’s teacher didn’t appreciate the ingenuity of his project and he was only given a C grade for his project.
Visto en Re-Nest
EnerJar o
Superflex o
Aletas del Viento
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