
¿Qué hacer con el montón de electrodomésticos que se tiran al año? Aunque no sea la solución más convencional, Refunc recuperó 700 neveras viejas de una empresa de reciclaje de Vilnius (previa eliminación de materiales tóxicos) como elemento de construcción para una barrera visual con ventanas y balcones que definieran y confirieran de carácter al emplazamiento de esta empresa lituana.
Refunc es un colectivo formado por Denis Oudendijk, Jan Körbes y Mantas Lesauskas que operan entre el arte, el diseño y la arquitectura, creando nuevos productos con materiales reciclados. Allí donde algunos sólo ven basura, ellos ven nuevas ideas.
Return of the Fridges is an architectonical installation consisting on a visual barrier for a recycling company made from re-used refrigerators en colored tubular lamps. The Lithuanian recycling company had mountains of fridges to be recycled in front of their refridgerator recycling plant. The idea was to give the factory a positive visual connection with the lithuanian landscape and the passing highway. It was more than logical to use semi-recycled fridges (no cooling fluids, no engines) as a building material, because it is available onsite. We used 700 fridges to build 3dimensional wall with windows and a balcony to the surrounding nature.
Refunc is a collective that operates on the borders of architecture, art and design and create new products from old materials. Origin for designs are found in the object itself, by listening to its own composition, history, or local and social context. Waste materials lead the way to their often unpredictable results. Wherever you can find garbage, they do research and workshops on creative recycling.