Una de las consignas que nos ayudan a minimizar nuestra huella ecológica es la de reducir: no abusar de los productos superfluos que no nos sirven de mucho. Eso sí, si alguna vez necesitais un monedero, echadle un vistazo a estas bolas de fieltro. A Katy Chan se le ha ocurrido crear estos monederos hechos de forma artesanal con materias primas tales como seda y lana. Tienen un aire a los Comecocos de toda la vida que le dan un toque fashion, ahora que vuelven los ochenta. Están producidas por Made, una productora que apuesta por diseños poco convencionales.
Katy Chan takes an experimental attitude with forms and materials and using raw material develops a formal textile structure. She is interested in the expression of industrial processes on handmade materials such as felt. Her explorations in handmade felt incorporate the weaving of silk and fleece together which are then felted over carved blocks to achieve seamless functional forms. You see above felt pods, produced by Made.
Katy Chan takes an experimental attitude with forms and materials and using raw material develops a formal textile structure. She is interested in the expression of industrial processes on handmade materials such as felt. Her explorations in handmade felt incorporate the weaving of silk and fleece together which are then felted over carved blocks to achieve seamless functional forms. You see above felt pods, produced by Made.
+: madedesign
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