Vaya silla más molona ha diseñado Adam Johnston para recordarnos que las anillas de plástico que enlazan las latas de cerveza de 6 en 6 también se reciclan. Se llama Remind me y puede que si te sientas desnudo se te quede el culo marcado con círculos; así nunca olvidarás que las anillas de plástico hay que reciclarlas. Adam dice que este plástico se descompone a los 3 meses como consecuencia de la acción de los rayos ultravioleta. De pequeños todos vimos imágenes de tortugas con estos plásticos a modo de horca, por lo que mejor cortarlos antes de tirarlos, que no cuesta nada.
Adam Johnston is a student at the University of Cincinnati and he has designed this chair. It's called Remind me. Made of 6-pack rings, it's a good idea to make people aware of recycling this plastic. Moreover, the frame can be taken apart to reconstruct with a new set of rings. He says that this plastic is descomposed after 3 months in direct sunlight. As I'm not too sure, I'd recommend you to cut them to avoid turtles' hanging before throw it away. And remember not to sit down naked if you don't want to have a nice mark on your bottom.
Adam Johnston is a student at the University of Cincinnati and he has designed this chair. It's called Remind me. Made of 6-pack rings, it's a good idea to make people aware of recycling this plastic. Moreover, the frame can be taken apart to reconstruct with a new set of rings. He says that this plastic is descomposed after 3 months in direct sunlight. As I'm not too sure, I'd recommend you to cut them to avoid turtles' hanging before throw it away. And remember not to sit down naked if you don't want to have a nice mark on your bottom.
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